
Reset My Business

  My business health assessments to identify areas of a business that needs a reboot. Our honest assessment of your business ensures that your business is viable as we emerge into the post-pandemic “new normal”. Reset My Business We identify both short-term and long-term game plans to ensure your business is successful in the uncharted and likely unpredictable market environment. This assessment is particularly important for businesses who have suffered losses or had to go on hold during the pandemic.  Some of the services we offer to reboot your business include: Business Consulting Growth Strategy Planning Strategic Marketing Website Development Digital Marketing Also Visit:  Conmoto What a Business Method Patent Is Amy and Dave halls- Conmoto

What a Business Method Patent Is

  A   business method   Patent   right allows an inventor to defend their new idea for doing business that involves a unique use of automation. Discover out what the requirements are and how to use them for a business method patent. People usually think of patents as using concrete creation, as a new kind of self-opening prescription pill container. A business method is another type of patent available from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This type of patent usually patents a business method combined with technology, resulting in a new way of doing business. Example of a Business Method Patent The example of a   business method  would be an anti-fraud ATM that reads the ATM card and processes transactions. Then, it uses software to send the customer a secure code on their cell phone to verify the transaction. The Difference Between a Business Method Patent. To regi...

Bullseye! Method for Business Professionals

  Communication is your business As a business professional in the corporate environment, you’ll understand how important it is to communicate your message, ideas or instructions successfully with other colleagues. Whether you need to provide your manager with a brief, run a team meeting or develop business cases, proposals or work instructions…. you’ll need to articulate your ideas, concepts and instructions clearly. Research consistently highlights that good communication is critical for successful organisations and that poor communication has a negative impact on efficiencies, staff engagement and profits. The Project Management Institute in its benchmark report attributes 30% of project failures to poor communication. And one study found that $37 billion was lost in one year alone amongst 100 companies in the US and UK. “Your success as an entrepreneur is determined in large part by your ability to communicate.” Jayson DeMers contributor But then, you probably...

Is your business set up for the long haul?

  Did you know that 20% of small businesses fail in their first year? And 50% fail in their fifth year? This is according to the   Bureau of Labor Statistics .   And that’s only talking about small businesses. More and more established businesses are struggling amidst restrictions to deal with COVID-19. A large proportion of businesses fail each year because they do not cover all bases. For example, some might be strong on marketing but weak on product definition and operations. Others may be strong on operations and products but weak with their marketing. There are lots of reasons why they fail.

Are your ideal customers interested in your products or services?

  As part of developing a solid business strategy and plan, you’ll have defined your products and services. And you should be clear on what your business is and how you want others to see it. Now it’s time to get your ideal customers interested in what you have to offer. That’s what marketing is all about. But how do you promote your product or service to the right customer? Whilst there are many options out there, only a few are going to work for you based on your customer’s needs and how they will best respond to your messages or channels. Whilst a lot of companies use a “cookie-cutter” approach, we emphasise strategic thinking to maximise the best outcome. How we can help you attract your ideal customers.

Communication Strategy

 Is your communication working for you? Communication is a powerful tool that many businesses fail to use in achieving their objectives. And this costs them BIG time.  Research shows that companies lose billions of dollars due to poor communication. And many projects fail because of poor communication. The flip side to this is that when a business embraces communication as a strategic tool for realising its business objectives, success follows. Tuning your strategy and tactics Most people in business see communication as part of a checklist from “business 101” school. A senior manager clicks “Send” on a hastily written email and satisfies themselves that they’ve now communicated their message. They don’t stop to see if people have read past the first three sentences, let alone opened it. Our approach is to develop a strategy with communication tactics that help achieve an outcome in line with the business’s overall strategy or plan. Instead of measuring success by the “click”...

Packages to support your business at any stage

  Just starting out with a new business idea, product or service? Feel like you’re going stale in your business? Or simply need to reboot after COVID 19? We have a package for wherever you are at in your business. Designed to keep your business moving forward. Reboot My Business